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You can find Kislovodskaya Celebnaya mineral water more and more often in stores. The popularity of this many connoisseurs of such products explain not only due to well-organized marketing work, but really unsurpassed qualities of the product. What is the usefulness of Kislovodskaya Celebnaya Kislovodskaya Celebnaya is a therapeutic table



Inheritance of the ancient Narts against heartburn and stomach diseases It has long been known that people in the North Caucasus are distinguished by excellent health. It is here that one of the largest concentrations of long-livers on the planet is found. Scientists have different explanations for this phenomenon. The

arterial preassure

Blood Pressure

People with high blood pressure vitally need to monitor the condition of blood vessels and capillaries, the proper functioning of the heart, as well as the chemical composition of the blood. It is sufficient fluid intake that can help regulate some vital processes, flush out the accumulated salts in the

Product of the year

Product of the year GRAND PRIX 2016

Our mineral water won the Gold Cup of the winner in the category "Product of the year" at the international exhibition "Prodexpo 2016".;

Pharmacy 2016

Pharmacy 2016 MEMBER

In December 2016, the international exhibition "Pharmacy 2016" was held, where one of the main participants was "Kislovodskaya celebnaya" mineral water.


Sponsorship Sponsorship

"Kislovodskaya celebnaya" is often used as a sponsor at various receptions, exhibitions, and show programs.

Doctors recommend

Doctors recommend HOW TO USE

Normalizes metabolism; normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract; prevents the production of gastric juice (relieves HEARTBURN) and many other things.