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Cleansing the body

Treatment and cleaning: how to deal with toxins using Kislovodsk curative and table waters?

The human body is a complex system that is equipped with cleaning systems. But after 15 years, the human body starts accumulating toxins, waste products that are not removed naturally. How can we remove these harmful substances? How can we prevent their accumulation and secure our body forever?

Let’s consider the causes and symptoms of toxins accumulation stepwise and then define the treatment and prevention course!

Why are toxins accumulated in the body?

Toxins get into the body in various ways, so let’s define the three main:

  • Products with GMO, conserving agents, colorants, the residues of which are deposited in the gastrointestinal tract. Only 2-3% of people have a fridge full of fruit, vegetables, cereals, or dairy products. All other people keep their fridges full of yogurts with an insane expiration date, frozen food, candies, etc.
  • Water and beverages. The same story with the drinks as with the food, but we also need to add poorly purified water with a high content of chlorine.
  • Bad ecology and bad habits, such as smoking, alcohol, overconsumption of salt and peppery food.
  • High amounts of harmful residue deposit on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract, preventing the normal absorption of minerals, vitamins, microelements, and other useful substances. As a result, the normal body operation rhythm is broken.

Symptoms of the accumulation of the toxins

When high amounts of toxins are accumulated in the body, it starts to respond, and signals that it is time for cleaning. The main signals are regular constipation that, if not addressed, can become chronic, bad breath and distinct weight disorders. Non-specific symptoms include:

  1. Skin problems that are especially stressful for women. Acneiform rash, gray complexion, pink acnes, and what a nightmare, premature wrinkles. And that is only a short list of the possible problems you can face.
  2. Hair and nails fragility and colorlessness.
  3. Joint pains.
  4. Attention concentration problems and visual impairment.
  5. Fatigue and weakness caused by the constant resistance to the harmful accumulations.
  6. The immune system decreases, the blood flow and protein synthesis worsen, and these processes result in a decrease of activity, skin quality, and general condition.

How can we secure and clean our bodies?

All these symptoms and sequences can be easily removed and even prevented if adequate measures are taken timely. Obviously, the body cannot be thoroughly cleaned without a full diet menu enriched with fiber, animal and vegetable protein, and vitamins. In all stages of cleaning, we recommend stopping eating fatty, salty, peppery, and too sweet food that irritates the mucous membrane and prevents the removal of the toxins naturally.

The intake schedule: “Sulfated Narzan” curative waters

The most important aspect of toxins removal is the intake schedule with clean water, sugarless tea, and curative sulfate and hydrocarbonate water. As you know, back in 18-19th centuries, doctors recommended “to travel to the water springs” to clean the body, the liver, and ladies went to the resort to treat neurosis. Today everything has changed, and we do not need to plan a long journey; we can just purchase the required amount of “Sulfated Narzan” in a drugstore or an online store.

Mineral waters of “Sulfated Narzan” Kislovodsk hydrochemical type have a stable composition and general salinity in the range from 5 to 5.5 g/L and contain the following components:

  • Anions (sulfate, chloride, hydrocarbonate, iodine, bromine, fluor).
  • Cations (magnesium, calcium, sodium, ammonium, ferrum, etc.).
  • Silicic and metaboric acid.

Active components of “Sulfated Narzan” remove toxins from the body, clean the mucous membrane, and restore processes that were impaired by the toxins:

  • Gastrointestinal tract operation impaired by the accumulated “wastes”.
  • Metabolism and normal weight.
  • Resolve constipation.
  • Normalize blood pressure.
  • Bring the nervous system and sleep into a normal condition.

Sulfate and hydrocarbonate water is recommended to treat hyperacidity, diabetes mellitus, and treat a number of liver and bladder diseases. Even if you aim to simply clean the body, after the course of Kislovodsk mineral waters, you will feel stronger, forget about constipation, epigastric burning, and the complexion, skin and hair condition will become better!

Remember that Kislovodsk mineral waters belong to the curative category; therefore, they are not recommended for regular drinking. Before taking in, consult a doctor because if you have gastritis with hypo-acidity and exacerbation of some diseases, the “Sulfated Narzan” and waters of the same class are not recommended for drinking!

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